Gift Card Information

  • If you select the Gift Card withdrawal option, you will be emailed a TANGO gift card reward link.
  • All withdrawal requests once sent are non-refundable.
  • The gift card reward link will give you a credit to select whatever gift card you like up to the amount of value of your withdrawal. Some gift cards have minimums to purchase.

    You can choose multiple digital gift card options with one withdrawal request and reward link provided they don’t exceed your withdrawal value. Add your gift cards to your cart and then checkout. 

  • Gift card options are currently limited to United States of America. 

To receive a TANGO gift card reward link, users must request a withdrawal of at least 50,000 Game Tokens or Gold Coins. 

Below you can see some of the companies available for digital gift card redemption by using a TANGO reward link “gift card” withdrawal. Note, reward link gift card affiliates are subject to change with time. 

US Reward Link: