Passive Earning Game

Passive Pirates! Game Coming soon...

The votes are in and due to popular demand our game will be Pirate themed. You can follow the progress of our game’s development here. Below is a rough outline and our progress on it.The general game theme and concept  is that you are a Pirate captain who needs to develop a fleet of Pirate ships to rule the high seas! Your site Tokens gain you power that will give you dominion of the seas and allow you to earn more gold from your plunder. Your ships will require minimum maintenance from you, as your crew will do the work. This game will be 100% sustainable and be a set share of the site’s earnings.
  • Game planning and graphic selection for various boats to purchase in the ship yard.
  • Development of the “Shipyard” where one can purchase boats.
  • Development of User Inventory where one can track boat life, rebuild, upgrade boats
  • Development of menu for linking Passive game pages together
  • Development of “sailing page” with stats, game options, and daily check in
  • Development of leaderboard and reward board
  • Game landing page and instruction documentation
  • Changes in site reward and bonus structure to reflect the game