Game News & More!

After many names were suggested for our Crypto Pirates passive earning game in the previous news post, we have decided upon the winning name for our passive earning game. In an anticlimactic fashion, it has been determined from votes from our mods (and admin) that the name shall remain Crypto Pirates! Thank you all for your suggestions, but none of them quite fit what the game is about. Those that suggested a name are all receiving 2000 GTs for their efforts.

Some exciting news:

1. We are beginning to work on some exciting site upgrades including Pirate collectible items, which can be collected to receive bonus naval power and extra gold coins! Also, a new Pirate game item to purchase will be available, a harbor. Many features are planned with purchasing a harbor including double your naval power and giving the option to sell your ships at anytime without loss!

2. A new arcade game should be out to play before the end of the week, a fun space invader like shooting game “Galactic War”.

3. An upgrade to the charity form has been done, now anyone can donate to charities right from the home page. Please donate to our latest charity the Animal Welfare Institute by clicking on “Generous Earning” on the home page. This charity receives an A+ grade for their trust by watchdog organizations.

4. Enjoy our Adscend Media, Hideout TV and Lootably offerwall 20% bonus until the end of the week!

Earn on and game on!
