Introducing Million Ticket Hourly Faucet & Loyalty Points

I am pumped to give you all more opportunities to earn on our site with a conversion of our old faucet into an hourly faucet that has a jackpot of 1 million Prize Tickets (250,000 GTs or $25 USD).

In order to keep this faucet sustainable though, we have started a new system of rewarding users that are active in completing offers called Loyalty Points. You need at least 1 LP to spin the faucet. Each user gets 3 free per day and can earn additional ones at 1 LP for every 500 GTs earned in offers. There are many other changes coming with regards to this. Read more details about it here.

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Pick June’s Arcade Game!

Hey, I hope you are excited to see some new features coming to the site! There is literally so much to work on and improve, and I am hoping each improvement will attract more and more people here each day. This week I will be working on improving the offer wall setup and adding a few more earning opportunities.

Also, starting today, you can vote on the arcade game that will be featured in June’s arcade contest. Vote here. Only two more weeks to try to win at May’s contest.

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50-50 Faucet and AdGem Promo!

Excited to announce an improved faucet has been added. Based on popular demand, it is a 10 hour faucet with a good reward per payout: 50 to 50,000 Prize Tickets! The odds will be posted shortly for each payout. However, it averages out to be a pretty solid payout. I’ll let you do the math.

Also, we will be running an AdGem promo from May 8 to May 11 , were your earnings on AdGem will be increased by 50% on all their offers! In case you are wondering, yes, you may be getting more money than I make, but that is okay! AdGem has a high withdrawal limit for me, so I am pushing to get there.

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BETA – Starts Now!

Hey, this is a really exciting day, as I am officially announcing the Beta testing of this site and welcoming of traffic. This has been a two year long project that has really changed form many times. Some of the new site features that are starting today are:

1. Beginning of Daily Sweepstakes that grow as more people enter.
2. Kickoff of our first monthly Arcade game contest with a 10000 GT prize pool.

Please start referring people to the site! We have an awesome progressive referral tier structure that ranges from 10% up to 20% on all referrals Offerwall earnings and 25 to 35% on all Pacman earnings!

Some near term future expectations:
1. More earning opportunities. Tap Research and more offerwalls will be added soon.
2. More Pacman! A leader board for this game will likely be added.
3. More games :). There are some ideas in the works. Our Arcade will grow, and hopefully our site along with it.

Enjoy the site. Happy gaming and earning!

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